Over the past 12-months of watch trading, once I got comfortable with “the basics” of buying and selling luxury timepieces, the biggest lesson learned is that watch trading is all about managing risk and limiting unnecessary exposure to risk.  If you are part of the advanced-trainings or Weekly Mastermind, I am sure you have heard

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Although the saying “your network is your net worth” is generally considered trite I strongly believe that as watch traders, it not only highly-applicable but a motto we should all live by.  However, there is one thing I would like to clarify; a watch trader’s “network” (and therefore net worth) isn’t defined necessarily by the

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As PJ regularly says “watch trading is a game of numbers” so I wanted to share some tips with the WTA community on how to get maximum exposure for any current or future watch listings.   Tip #1 – Make It Easy To List Your Watch One of the standardized processes that I follow every

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It may be a surprise to many of you, but I am relatively new to watch trading.  About six months ago, I was scrolling through FB and an ad popped into my newsfeed.  It was some Persian guy showing off his stacks of cash, exotic cars, and fancy watches, and although the ad caught my

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In my last article I shared the process I used to make over $10k in profits in my first 90 days of watch trading… but I omitted one key element – How I was able to bring in over $40k of inventory, at zero percent interest, and without an investor.  Now don’t get me wrong,

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Today marks the 90th day of my journey as a watch trader and here are some quick stats. Number of watches purchased – 37 Number of watches sold/traded – 30 Numbers of fake/replica watches purchased – 2 Average hold time for sold watches – 18 Average profit margin per sale/trade – 11% Total loss dollars

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