Too often I see people who want to trade watches fall victim to scams that are easy to avoid once you know what to look for.   There are all types of scams in the watch Trading game.  But generally speaking, you tend to run into the below 5 the most.  Some of these are very

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Having a store online is something to consider when growing your watch trading business, but not necessary to be successful. By having your store online, your trust level increases, but on the flip side so does your fixed costs to run the business. The great news is there’s so many options for you to create

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It may be a surprise to many of you, but I am relatively new to watch trading.  About six months ago, I was scrolling through FB and an ad popped into my newsfeed.  It was some Persian guy showing off his stacks of cash, exotic cars, and fancy watches, and although the ad caught my

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On your luxury watch trading journey, you will find there are many amazing people you meet along the way.  Everyone from independent collectors, enthusiasts, dealers, retail consumers, and traders. You will also find that there is an insane amount of clowns (hence why I call it the circus) that pollute the industry and give it

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When it comes to importing and exporting watches, there are some risks you should know about. Every single time I am importing, I understand that the risks are much higher compared to buying watches in the USA if you reside here. It took me a lot of time to figure out the pros and cons

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​Watch trading is an excellent way to experience different timepieces, while making a profit, but how does it work if you are not in the USA? Being a Canadian, I was curious to see if I could make watch trading a viable source of income, while owning pieces I would only dream of. ​My journey

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