Case Study: How This 30-Year old Went From Zero To $100k Profit In Less Than 12 Months and quit his job
Meet Gabriel Magalhaes (aka Gabe):

Gabe is a student of mine who used my watch trading strategies to go from zero to $100k in profit in less than 12 months.
But the truth is... it actually took Gabe 4 years to get to that point.
I first met Gabe back in 2018 when he visited my office in Florida.
He worked a corporate sales job that he didn't love and wanted to flip watches to earn a little bit of extra money.
Here's his post on Facebook expressing his excitement over his first 'nice' watch.

But like most people... he dabbled here and there and wasn't taking watch flipping seriously.
And his results reflected that.
He only did a handful of watch deals his first two years, and made a couple hundred bucks profit per deal.
Not horrible... but it wasn't the type of game-changing money he was looking for.
But then something happened in 2020.
Gabe was ready to take the next step.
But this time it had nothing to do with watches.
He wanted to propose to his girlfriend.
If you've ever been in this position, you'll know that engagement rings aren't cheap lol.
So in order to help fund the engagement ring, he sold his personal Hublot watch.
What happened next shocked him.

After 2 years of solid enjoyment...
Gabe was able to sell his Hublot watch and make $2,500 profit (36% ROI).
All this was possible because he bought the right watch, the right way (like we discussed previously)...
Experiencing his first 5-figure profit was truly an eye opening experience for him.
Because at the same time, Gabe was getting tired of the corporate grind and wanted a way out.
Rather than try to find another job, he saw first-hand that watch flipping had potential...
He just had to take it seriously.
So Gabe set out two distinct goals:
- Make enough money to quit his day job.
- Make $100k profit.
And seeing that he was about to be a married man, he had no choice but to go all-in (weddings aren't cheap either lol).
Here's a little bit of advice I gave Gabe at the time, that needs to be heard again.
When you put your mind and focus 100% on a goal with a PROVEN plan, results will follow.
It's really that simple.
The results you get will always be the by-product of the effort you put in.
Here's what happened when Gabe got focused:
- In his 1st month, he cleared $5,000 in profit flipping watches.
- By his 3rd month, he made $10,000 (30 day period) and quit his job.
- By his 7th month, he had his first $10,000 profit from a single watch deal.
- By his 9th month, he had his first $25,000 profit in a single week.
Here's a sample at some of the flips Gabe was doing in a single month:

By doing this just a few hours a day...
Gabe was able to flip 7 watches and make $7,640 profit in that particular month.
Like I always say, watch flipping gets easier the more you do it.
Not only because of the experience...
But because of the connections you build along the way.
And when that happens, it becomes even easier to make money.
Fast forward about a year later... here's the type of numbers Gabe is doing:

In that 30 day period, Gabe made an incredible $20,600.
That's cool and all, but did you notice something?
He invested $0 out of his pocket.
How was this even possible?
Every deal was the result of a repeat client or referral from existing client to help source watches for them.
Essentially he became a middle man and took a nice cut for himself just to help his clients find watches.
I don't know about you but I'd love to make $20,600 without putting out a single penny too.
As a result of his massive success, I was beyond excited to welcome to the $100K Club in 2022.

Gabriel made more money in the last 6 months than he did in his first 3 years.
It shows just how much your life can change in a short period of time if you just focus and take massive action.
Gabe didn't hit $100k profit by accident.
To achieve this amazing feat, Gabe followed these 3 golden rules of watch flipping:
Golden Rule #1: Focus on higher end watches for less stress and more profits
Let's break down the numbers behind a $100k/year watch flipping.
$100k per year is about $8,333 per month.
($8,333 * 12 months = $100,000)
Now that you know your goal is $8,333 per month, you can reverse engineer the math behind that.
Gabe knew that $8,333 per month could be broken down into:
- 20 watches flipped per month at about $416 profit each
- 10 watches flipped per month at about $833 profit each
- 5 watches flipped per month at about $1666 profit each
- 1 watch flipped per month at $8,333 profit
The problem Gabe ran into when he first started was he tried to be the 20+ watch guy.
"The more the better," he thought.
But as Gabe quickly learned, when it comes to flipping luxury watches, more isn't always better.
Instead of trying to flip 20+ watches per month, it's MUCH easier to flip 1 watch per month for $8,333 profit.
Just imagine trying to juggle 20+ buyers in a single month.
And when you're dealing with "lower end" luxury watches, the clients tend to be more pickier and a pain in the ass to deal with.
But when you just deal with one high end buyer per month, everything changes.
The buyers are wealthier, easier to work with, and the entire process is so much more enjoyable.
I know the thought of selling a single watch for over $8k profit sounds crazy.
But when you play at the higher level of luxury watches, it's actually the low end.
There are watches that can net you $30-50k profit on a single watch.
But we'll save that for another time lol..
Bottom line: it takes just as much work to sell a "cheap" luxury watch as it does to sell an "expensive" luxury watch.
So if you want a lower stress (and more profitable) business, focus on more expensive watches.
Golden Rule #2: Burn Your Bridges And Go All-In
What held Gabe back the most from seeing success with watch flipping in the early days was he was never 100% committed.
When he first started out, he made money, but it was more like a hobby.
Gabe was still working a 9-5 job so watch flipping wasn't a priority.
He hated his job and wanted out, and the only way to do so was to fully commit to watch flipping full-time.
So even before he made $100k, Gabe quit his job and went all-in on watch flipping.
Now I'm NOT suggesting you to give up your 9-5 right away to flip luxury watches...
But if you want uncommon results, then you have to take uncommon action.
And while that doesn't' necessarily mean quitting your day job...
That might mean getting out of your comfort zone.
Every single person I've helped make over $100k profit did so only because they were OBSESSED with the process.
You don't become great at anything by dabbling in it.
Golden Rule #3: Repeat Buyers Can Literally 10x Your profits with way less Effort
Being able to buy and sell luxury watches is all about trust.
Because when someone decides to pay you 5-figures for a single watch, a certain level of trust and respect is established.
And assuming the transaction went well and you treated the buyer with respect, who do you think that buyer is going to come to the next time they need a watch?
You, duh.
And trust me, 80% of luxury watch buyers always buy more than one watch.
They're addicts (me included lol).
In fact, Gabe had one buyer that spent over $75,000 with him over the course of 3 months because he simply loved working with him.
Gabe goes above and beyond for all his buyers.
He buys them Christmas gifts, sends them texts to check in on them, and takes them out to dinner if they're in town.
Of course none of this is necessary.
But if you want a buyer to make you their "go to" guy for luxury watches, it pays off big time to treat them well.
One good buyer has the ability to literally 10x your profits.
tying it all together...
Following the 3 golden rules above, Gabe was able to go from nothing to a 6-figure income in less than 12 months.
And at this rate, his second 'official' year as a watch flipper is projected to be at $250k profit.
While all this might seem overwhelming, stories like these are happening on a regular basis.
I promise you that making $10,000 per month with watch flipping is much simpler than you think.
Let me show you how on the next page...
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Disclaimer: Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing watch trading for 10 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.