limited seats remaining for Dallas, TX Conference!
The Premiere Watch trading conference
March 21st | Dallas, TX
Your Network is Your Net worth
When it comes to watch trading, you should know that your network equals your net worth.
The more connections you create with fellow watch traders, buyers, sellers, service providers, and industry solutions experts, the more ability you have to make money.
Profit is come much easier, and fostering these relationships pays huge dividends overtime as you scale your watch trading.
That's why we've created opportunities for you to engage and network with your Watch Trading Academy peers, and the best in the watch industry.
Watch Trading Academy's annual conference, workshops, and networking meetups are the perfect way to build your network of buyers/sellers/traders, get insider tips to make more money trading, do in-person watch deals that wouldn't otherwise happen online, form new friendships that will last a lifetime, and get access to some of the most prominent leaders in the industry.
Every member is encouraged and invited to attend as many as they can throughout the year.
We look forward to meeting you all in person and putting names to faces!
Featured Speakers

Founder of Watch Trading Academy
Pejman Ghadimi
For the past 10 years, Pejman Ghadimi has bought and sold over 1,500 luxury timepieces. His experience in buying and selling watches has allowed him to create a proprietary method to earning 19% ROI every 72 hours or less. Pejman has over 7,500 students all over the world learning his watch trading strategies.

$100K Club Member
Parker Derby
Parker Derby is a $100k Club Member who turned his passion of luxury watches into a profitable business. Although he only started a few years ago, Parker trades watches part-time and earns full-time income. His specialty is modern and vintage Rolex timepieces.

$100k Club Member
cal knight
Cal Knight is Watch Trading Academy's first $100k Club member. By mastering the intricacies of the watch market and negotiation tactics from his sales background, Cal turned $1,500 to $100,000 in less than 6 months. In 2018, Cal was able to quit his job and take his passion for watch trading full-time.

$100k Club Member
Camden Sivils
Camden Sivils is Watch Trading Academy's youngest $100k Club Member. To date, Camden has done over 200 watch deals while attending college full-time, which is entirely paid for from his watch trading profits. His specialty is Breitling and Hublot.
The team from, the world's largest luxury watch marketplace, will be the to help share insight on the current watch market and upcoming trends you need to be aware about.

Surprise Guests
Expect surprise appearances from the world's largest jewelers and watch dealers, to industry watch experts you've seen online, to executives who work inside Swiss watch factories.
What To expect

As an attendee of one of our events, we provide an array of opportunities for Watch Trading Academy members to learn, stay sharp on market changes, and network with each other.
We've provided multiple events throughout the year and across the US to make these easily accessible for everyone.
Here's what to expect from attending...
Annual Conference: This is our once a year conference which is the largest event of the year. There are opportunities to make money and grow your network throughout the day of the conference. This is the first meeting of the year and will be held in Dallas, TX.
Workshops: Hosted around the USA and each will be structured slightly different as you can read below. These are amazing opportunities to stay up-to-date with market changes that change constantly, meet sponsors/partners, and network with each other.
As a supplemental value, we will also be providing more intimate opportunities for members who are serious about upping their watch trading knowledge and making money.
At each event, there is a VIP elective for an exclusive and limited group to participate. Those will vary depending on the venue, and you can read more about the details of each below.
event schedule
Conference and Meetup
March 21st - Dallas, TX

Annual Conference (9AM - 5PM) - Watch Trading Academy 2020 Announcements, VIP Market Updates, Trading Secrets from the Masters (PJ/Cal and Special Guests) $100K Club Awards, and Watch Trading End of Day.
Meetup (6PM - 9PM) - Opportunity to network with your fellow Watch Trading Academy members in a laid back setting with happy hour food and drinks.
Private Mastermind Roundtable (Friday Before the Workshop 5PM - 7PM) - Small focus group with PJ and Cal to answer questions, works on your individual goals, talks secret strategies effective in 2020, followed by optional dinner (not included in price).
VIP Dinner w/ the Masters (Friday Before the Conference) - Network and Talk Watches w/ PJ, Cal, and other $100K Club Members.
What attendees say
secure your ticket
learn from the experts
Meet other members
Frequently Asked Questions
Are tickets refundable?
No, due to the nature of this event and the fact that so few tickets are available per session, all ticket sales are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE. However, tickets are transferable should you not be able to attend. Should you have a valid emergency (based upon our own discretion and judgement, we may consider providing a credit to attend a future event instead).
Will food and drinks be provided?
No, but refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
Are accommodations included in the event ticket price?
Accommodations are not included. Every attendee is responsible for his or her own accommodations and transportation to and from the event location. You will be given our recommended accommodations upon purchase.