How would you like us to hold you by the hand as you Trade your first (or next) watch?
The Life You Want, The Toys You Want, The Freedom That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business You Build...
The Next "One Watch Trade Away Challenge" Begins on March 18th

Registration Ends March 17th at 9PM
Join The Challenge Now For A One-Time Discounted Payment Of Only $100
What would an extra $1,000 this month do for you?
From: Pejman Ghadimi
Where: Delray Beach, Florida
What would an extra $1,000 this month do for you?
For everyone, it’s different.
For some of you, you’re in a job that you hate, and a side-hustle represents the beginning of your freedom.
For others, it will help pay bills and improve your lifestyle.
And for others still, you are an enthusiast who would rather make money than lose it.
Before I share with you MY GOAL for this Watch Trading Challenge for YOU... let me ask you a few questions..

please ask yourself these questions and answer them truthfully
If you Answered YES To any of the questions above, I want to invite you to join the "One Watch Trade away Challenge" and help you Trade Your First Watch in 30 days!
here is how the challenge works...
The challenge costs $100 to join. This covers everything you will be receiving in the challenge (more info on this below).

With the One Watch Trade Away Challenge, we could easily charge $1,000 for the full 30 day challenge...
Probably even 2,000 or more, but...
all you pay is $100!
in exchange for that tiny $100 investment, you will get all this:

Total Value: $3,985
If you want to trade watches and start making side-income then this is the challenge we're giving you...
You Have 30 Days, starting March 18th...
Do YOU Accept?
need more information before you make your decision?
Let me break down all of the incredible support you’ll get when you join the challenge today!
here's what you're going to get:
you will get step-by-step over the shoulder lessons
When the One Watch Trade Away Challenge begins, we will be trading watches together!
Each day, you will be sent a new daily lesson with videos, cheatsheets, and action items.
We will start from absolutely zero, and I will assume you have no prior experience at all.
If you're more experienced, then don't worry, we will be going over things you have never seen before in this challenge!

Weekly Livestreams
Each week during the challenge, I will go live and hold private mastermind calls with you to make sure you're being kept accountable and following through with the challenge.
This is your chance to ask me questions live and get feedback as you make your way through the challenge.

Guest Coaches
I know how important it is to have mentorship so that's why I'm inviting some of my close watch trader friends and most successful students to help provide support too.
They will answer your questions and provide expert guidance along the way.

private members Group
Have questions and want additional help? Don't worry!
We will give you access to our private members group on Facebook where you'll have a chance to network with other participants and ask questions too.

Special Prizes
What fun is a challenge if there's no reward?
At the end of the challenge, I will be giving away prizes (valued up to $997) to the most accomplished students.
You don't want to miss this.

As you can see, joining the challenge is like having me as your own personal watch trading coach!
the CHEAPEST you can hire me to “pick my brain” is $5,000 for a day.
So to get 30 days with me for $100 is CRAZY!
Here is your challenge
(Should You choose to accept it...)
Your challenge is to tAKE ACTION and complete every task given to you, every day for 30 days
Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…
Yes, there will be homework…
But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward trading your first watch for profit.
my only question for you is...
do you have what it takes?
by the time the challenge is over, you have traded your first watch!
This Challenge is NOT for everyone!
If you want to watch every day of the challenge and say “Thanks PJ, great info!”
...but you never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.
(But chances are nothing will actually change in your life. If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is not for you).
I want every student who participates in this challenge to earn at least $1,000.
Meaning I want to create $100,000 worth of value for people in just one month.
If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 30 days...
If you want to be trained by me personally...
If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach who will hold you accountable and call you out if you’re being lazy...
Then I invite you to accept the One Watch Trade Away Challenge, buy your first watch, and trade it for a profit!
What's the catch?
I’m putting on this challenge because I KNOW that when you have success trading watches, you’re more likely to invest in yourself.
That’s it... that’s my “evil” ulterior motive – for you to have success and to become an actual member of my Watch Trading Academy so you can continue to have support and see future success.
Frankly, I make very little, or even lose money for each person who joins this challenge after advertising and software costs.
So, why would I do this?
Because my philosophy at Watch Trading Academy is that if I can’t help you make money, then I don’t deserve any of yours.
So my goal is to help make you money... then hopefully you’ll choose to re-invest some of those profits back into the products and services that I sell.
Does that sound more than fair?
why you must act fast
The challenge is starting VERY SOON and we ONLY have room for 100 people.
If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon.
And if you're wondering... well, can't I just take the challenge next time it opens up?
Well, the answer is MAYBE...
I'm not sure if or when the next challenge will be...
But, more importantly, what about all of the sales and experience that you could have gotten already if you didn't put this off until later!
There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the 2nd best time, is NOW."
NOW is the best time for you to take the One Watch Trade Away Challenge.
Is There a Guarantee?
Of course...
I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to the weekly live calls, and implement what you learn, by the time the challenge is done...
You will know how to invest in watches, know exactly which watches and brands to buy, know exactly how much you should be paying, know exactly where to advertise for maximum profit, how to re-invest to scale up fast, and have a solid understand of everything you need to take watch trading to the next level.
If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then let us know within 30 days and we'll give you a full $100 refund.
Pretty simple.
But if you're like most people, this experience will change your life and experience!
what to do next
From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below to secure your spot, then we can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!
- Pejman Ghadimi
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
When you join the One Watch Trade Away Challenge today (for just $100) you're going to get access to the private membership area and the private members Facebook group too.
When the challenge officially launches you will have a lessons and action items that you will need to complete.
Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the the challenge - We'll refund your $100.
Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?!
Join the One Watch Trade Away Challenge today!
here's a recap of everything you get when you accept the challenge today

Total Value: $3,985
If you want to trade watches and start making side-income then this is the challenge we're giving you...
You Have 30 Days, starting March 18th...
Do YOU Accept?